Rabu, 03 April 2013

The Concept Of Ethnic And Cultural in Nursing Transcultural

NIM : CKR 0110023



1. Ethnic ( handerson, 1981 ).
Ethnic is a set of specific condition that is owned by a particular group ( ethnic groups ). A group of ethnic been a set of individuals who have a unique cultural and social as well as bring it down to the next generation

2. Culture ( taylor, 1989 ).
Culture is belief and conduct that is lowered or taught human to the next generation

3. Culture ( leininger, 1991 ).
Culture is that the whole idea and the work of a man who should dibiasakan by learning, and keselurahan the result of prudence and his work and a plan for conducting a particular activity

According to the concept of culture leininger ( 1978, 1984 ), characteristic of the culture can be described as follows: culture is an experience that are universal so that no two of culture is exactly the same. The culture that is stable, but also dynamic because culture is pulled down to the next generation so as to undergo a change. Culture filled and determined by her human life itself without realizing it.

Transcultural is a nursing service that focuses on analysis and comparative studies of cultural differences about ( leininger, 1978 ). Nursing transcultural is knowledge and whose tips humanists, focusing on behavior individual or group, and the process to maintains or increases behavior healthy or ill behavior physically and psycho cultural according cultural backgrounds. Transcultural nursing service provided to clients according to the background culture.

The purpose of the use of the nursing transcultural is to develop science and trees of science that humanists so as to create practices nursing in the culture that specific and universal. The culture that is culture specif with the values of a norm specif which is not possessed by another group, as language. Meanwhile, universal culture is the value or norm believed to and done by nearly by all culture as healthy, exercising made the culture fit; culture drink tea can make a healthful body ( leininger, 1978 )

Paradigm of nursing transcultural is the way of view, perception, belief, values and a concept in the implementation of an orphanage nursing in accordance with the concept of cultural backgrounds central, against 4 the man, nursing, health, ( leininger, and the environment 1978 ).
1. Human
Human beings are individuals or groups that have value and norma believed to be useful to establish piihan da perform an action, human beings have a tendency to maintain culture at any time and wherever he may be. Clients who were in hospital have to learn new culture, that is the culture of the hospital, in addition to bringing their culture. Clients actively select culture of the environment, including nurses and visitors. Clients that is being treated learn to quickly recovering and home soon to start activity more healthy.

2. Environment
The environment is that the whole phenomenon affecting the development, belief and conduct a client. The environment is considered a the totality of life and culture of the physical environment, either in the form of social and symbolic.

The physical environment is the natural environment created by human like the hill country dense settlements, the form of the house of hot regions ( many holes ), the form of the house cool regions ( eskimo ) etc.

A social environment is that the whole social structures that deals with the socialization of individuals or groups into the wider community, such as the family the community and a mosque or the church.

Symbolic environment is that the whole form or a symbol that causes the individuals or groups feel unite, as of music, the art, the curriculum vitae, language, or attribute of being used ( necklace, an earring, wall hangings, a headband, his armor or slogans ).

3. Healthy
Health is that the whole activity owned clients in filling his life which rests in the range of healthy sick ( leininger, 1984 ) and is a creed, value, a pattern of activities in the context of culture used for mrnjaga and maintain balanced / healthy, savings that can be observed in daily life. An orphanage nursing given aims to improve the ability of a client to vote in active cultural in accordance with the status of his health and clients should be studied the environment

4. Nursing
The plan nursing is a process or series of activities in practice of nursing given to the client in accordance with the background culture. Strategy used in intervention and impelemnatasi nurses ' families, is maintaining mnegosiasi, and restructured culture clients.

The history of the development of the family sundanese

The history of the development of the family sundanese family in society sundanese actually had two definitions, that is, a family with understanding narrow and a large sense. The family in his notions empit means the nuclear family or batih, while the family in a large sense means kindred who had family bonds because related by blood and marriages. One big family called sabondoyot or sakulawedet. Kinship systems people sundanese the character of parental or bilateral namely rights and a member of the family from the father and mother.

According to an investigation atmamiharja ( 1958 ), said sundanese have the meaning as follows: sanskrit: sundanese it means power, shining, the name of the god vishnu, the name of satria blind in the story “upa sundanese and ni sundanese”.

ü Kawai: sundanese, it means of water piles, the corporate ladder.

ü Alert java: sundanese means sucking worship of idols, sound, rise.

ü Flying sundanese: sundanese is good, beautiful. preëminent; pleasing

1. The aspect of demographic.
The inhabitants of working age defined as population aged 10 years or more. They consist of the work force and not the work force. The proportion of people who appertain labor force known as the degree patisipasi labor force. The involvement of civilians in economic activities, measured by the share of a population that is included in the market work ( work or looking for work ).

Employment give the big picture the absorption of rate markets work so that the work force that is not absorbed called unemployment.

2. The aspect of social psycho
The difference between a social class in the family sundanese: some other main grouping toanybody sundanese society as the result of a system based on various criteria the following:

ü Based on place: the presence of some one sundanese at various places or regions.

ü Based on the state of matter: the levels of society sundanese.

ü Based on prestige feodalistik: the presence of the sunda nobility, and the common people people sundanese erudite and not learned man.

ü Based on a profession livelihood: civil servants, entrepreneurs, farmers, the workers and others.

3. The form of a family in kinship systems.
Kinship systems people sundanese spatially parenta and bilateral which means rights and a member of the family from the mom and dad. A conjugal in marriage other levels. System covering their relation to kekerabatannya atas-ke seven tiers, lower to and also to the side. In search of a living spouse, stratification social very influential. Generally elect people high levels of social and a line of their offspring. Previously, parents can play bigger role in memilihkan jodoh for their children and next anaklah that determines the choice.

4. The aspect of culture.
Culture more visible on the type of food being endeared by the public sundanese as lalapan and fish which is seen as food typical sundanese that has been known by people in and outside the country. Drink peculiar to a people sundanese clear / minerals, such as water bandrek, bajigur, ice cincau, and tuak.

If we examine people sundanese, cereal offering of food the content of the fat a little. Hence children sundanese risk experiencing deficiency of vitamin that is soluble in fats ( a, d, e, k ).

5. The practice of family health.
In practice of health, a member of the family sundanese using smart guy ( herbalist ). It is still dominate the efforts to help members of her family had an impairment of health. In addition to a quacksalver, usually to kyai, furthermore, if not sembuh-sembuh they usually go to new health workers.

The family sundanese believe that if the sick prefer to buy a medicine in a stall or go into quack medicine in believe in. That stuff on the practice of right by family sundanese especially the families middle-low.

6. Implication nurses ' families at ethnic sundanese.
The nurses ' families at ethnic sundanese should be conducted using a cultural approach ( transkultural nursing ). A cultural approach done because viewed more sensitive one. A cultural approach bermakna that the plan nursing from the desire of the family, the family began kebiasan family, resources family, and values of the family. The implementation of the plan of nursing family preferably in a implementasikan as of the following:

ü appreciate the structure and value system that which is embraced the family.

ü the boundaries of a healthy sick according to the family.

ü actual practice of health sundanese.

ü increase the limits of therapeutic regimen family sundanese.

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